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 Docket #Document TitleFolderUploaded ByDescriptionPosted Date
QO22050327- 2022-07-27 - Dandelion Comments on NJCEP New Construction Update COMMENTSBPU Staff2022-07-27 - Dandelion Comments on NJCEP New Construction Update07/27/2022
QO22050327- 2022-07-29-NJBPU QO22050327 Construction comment COMMENTSBPU Staff2022-07-29-NJBPU QO22050327 Construction comment07/29/2022
QO22050327- 2022-7-28-DOCKET-NO-QO22050327-NJ Clean Energy Program_Jennifer Nielsen COMMENTSBPU Staff2022-7-28-DOCKET-NO-QO22050327-NJ Clean Energy Program_Jennifer Nielsen07/28/2022
QO22050327- 4-30-24-8C ORDERSBPU Staff4-30-24-8C04/30/2024
QO22050327- Comments on NJBPU new New Construction Program 7-29-22 COMMENTSBPU StaffComments on NJBPU new New Construction Program 7-29-2207/26/2022
QO22050327- EAM Associates Comments on Proposed FY23 Revisions to NJCEP New Construction Programs COMMENTSBPU StaffEAM Associates Comments on Proposed FY23 Revisions to NJCEP New Construction Programs07/29/2022
QO22050327- EEA- NJ Comments on BPU's New Construction Program COMMENTSBPU StaffEEA- NJ Comments on BPU's New Construction Program07/27/2022
QO22050327- MaGrann Comments FY23 RNC Revisions COMMENTSBPU StaffMaGrann Comments FY23 RNC Revisions07/29/2022
QO22050327- NGO Commenters- New Construction Program COMMENTSBPU StaffNGO Commenters- New Construction Program07/29/2022
QO22050327- NJ BPU - New Construction Program - Owens Corning Comments July 2022 COMMENTSBPU StaffNJ BPU - New Construction Program - Owens Corning Comments July 202207/29/2022
QO22050327- NJ Letter of encouragement- FINAL COMMENTSBPU StaffNJ Letter of encouragement- FINAL07/28/2022
QO22050327- NJBPU-NewConstruction Progam comments KD 7-29-2022docx COMMENTSBPU StaffNJBPU-NewConstruction Progam comments KD 7-29-2022docx07/29/2022
QO22050327- NJDRC Comments NJCEP Proposed Revisions New Construction Program - BPU Dkt. No. QO22050327 COMMENTSBPU StaffNJDRC Comments NJCEP Proposed Revisions New Construction Program - BPU Dkt. No. QO2205032707/29/2022
QO22050327- NJDRCC~1 COMMENTSBPU StaffNJDRCC~103/28/2024
QO22050327- QO22050327- P. MILLER COMMENTS COMMENTSBPU StaffQO22050327- P. MILLER COMMENTS07/28/2022
QO22050327- SJG_ETG_NJCEPFY23NewConstruction Comments (07 29 22) COMMENTSBPU StaffSJG_ETG_NJCEPFY23NewConstruction Comments (07 29 22)07/29/2022
Showing result(s) 1 - 1 of 1
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Showing result(s) 1 - 44 of 44
Posted ByPosted DateCommentsAttachments(s)
Matthew Kaplan3/27/2024 5:02:14 PMReVireo Non Residential CommentsReVireo Non Residential Comments
Anjuli Ramos3/27/2024 3:35:14 PMPlease find comment letter attached. New Construction Program - BUP Docket QO22050327 - NJ Sierra Club Comment Letter.docx
Jamie Mize3/27/2024 3:31:25 PMNJNG Comments re: NJCEP New Construction Program2024 03 27 NJNG Comments re NJCEP New Construction
John Kolesnik3/27/2024 3:19:20 PMEEA-NJ Comments on NJ BPU New Construction Program 3.27.24EEA-NJ Comments on NJ BPU New Construction Program 3.27.24
William Amann3/27/2024 2:46:42 PMThe USGBC supports the new program proposal. We applaud the acceptance of LEED Certification as a compliance path. However, a clarification is in order regarding certification. The current statement "...must submit documentation establishing that (a) they have satisfied the requirements for LEED certification...." could be interpreted as only requiring a letter from a design professional to this effect. This would violate the LEED copyright and also require a design professional to make a false statement. The requirement should be to "...submit proof of certification" . 
William Amann3/27/2024 2:41:12 PMAs an engineering consultant with clients that participate in all of these programs, we applaud the new filing for several reasons. First and foremost is the bonus incentive for GHG Reduction. This more directly aligns the program with those of the energy master plan for decarbonization. We also applaud the multiple pathways to compliance using the LEED rating system as well as Passive House. We do think that a clarification is on order regarding certification by these programs. The current statement "...must submit documentation establishing that (a) they have satisfied the requirements for LEED certification...." could be interpreted as only requiring a letter from a design professional to this effect. This would violate the LEED copyright and also require a design professional to make a false statement. The requirement should be to "...submit proof of certification" . 
Ben Adams3/27/2024 1:14:54 PMComments on behalf of MaGrann, EAM and ReVireo attached, thank you.MaGrann-EAM-ReVireo Comments RNC Update 032724
Michael Winka3/27/2024 11:20:59 AMSee attached file - Comments from MW on BPU's new New Construction Program 3-27-24
Jacob Brown3/27/2024 9:08:47 AMPassive House is an important standard for future building. I live in a passive house and it is simply amazing.  
Douglas Presley3/27/2024 8:54:21 AMPlease see the attached comments from GeoExchange.[2024-03-27] GeoExchange Comments on New Construction Program
Ticiana Jardim Marini3/26/2024 11:50:48 PMI am long time New Jersey resident and sustainability analyst, and am writing to give my full support to the NJ Clean Energy New Construction Program. I think that the Passive House incentives are on the right track, and I thank the Board of Public Utilities to include them. I am also writing to ask for the inclusion of Embodied Carbon analysis as part of the Garden State Challenge Pilot program. I understand that you may not wish to add another layer of criteria to this program, but I believe that it would be a very useful first step in getting a full carbon accounting of new construction. Project teams wouldn't need to meet any specific embodied carbon criteria - only perform the analysis of the building envelope only so a track record of this data point can be started for these hight efficiency projects. There are now several resources which facilitate this work - Carbon Leadership Forum website, BEAM, OneClickLCA, EC3, and Kaleidoscope, to name a few. The issue of embodied carbon in building materials is very important in our collective aim to reduce carbon emissions. They can add a significant amount of emissions, even when taking into account the operational carbon being emitted by the building. I am attaching an analysis by the Carbon Leadership Forum for the reasons for looking at embodied carbon in new construction and the potential of alternative materials. I look forward to seeing this program implemented and seeing more carbon neutral buildings in New Jersey. Thank you, TicianaCLF-Policy-Primer-1-Embodied-Carbon-101
Tad Everhart3/25/2024 9:23:17 PMPlease include alternate Passive House compliance pathways and incentive support for Passive House buildings and training. By "Passive House," I mean standards set by the Passive House Institute and Phius, the Passive House Institute U.S. I developed, designed, and helped construct a building meeting the Passive House Institute's EnerPHit Standard. It uses no gas and consumes far less operating energy than buildings of similar size and volume in our region. However, as you know, higher quality and performance have slightly higher design and construction costs. Financial incentives carefully administered are a good carrot to encourage energy-efficient buildings. I have certified buildings in several regions of North America for 9 years, and I found regions with government support for Passive House training, construction, and certification have greater development of low-energy Passive House buildings. Thank you. Tad Everhart 
Margaret Bagley3/25/2024 7:12:13 PMAs a life time resident of NJ I vehemently oppose the OSW plan for NJ's energy future. This plan is invasive and destructive to our most valued resource, our shore and coastline. Referring to these turbines as "clean" and "green" are merely buzz words which convince proponents that they are in fact all of that. BOEM themselves have been quoted in the EIS for Ocean Wind 1, now cancelled, will have no overall collective impact on global warming as a result of the OSW projects. These 1000 foot behemoths will serve as a constant reminder that this department was more motivated by funding then to preserve the necessary ecosystem that is far more valuable than a few unreliable gigawatts which based on the onshore landing diagrams will be supporting NY & PA far more than NJ. Harming our fisheries and marine life is evident whether some choose to admit it or not. Common sense and anyone with a conscience will tell you that animals flee harm and that's what simply is happening. I would like to hear from the BPU what advances and consideration towards nuclear energy you have taken, which is a "clean" source of energy that is far more reliable than OSW, and would also like to hear the BPU's Plan B when the OSW plan fails and inevitably blackouts and brownouts occur. This should not be the only alternative to ramp down fossil fuel usage which natural gas was considered "clean" at it's inception. Please take the time to do the right thing by NJ residents and ratepayers. The BPU has an opportunity to be honest and look towards a much more affordable, reliable and less destructive energy source that won't further industrializes NJ. Pushing through an "agenda" because the gauntlet has been thrown and a "timeline" has been established is no way to responsibly solve our energy needs. It will go down as lots of money wasted for a fast tracked program that is short-sighted for our future needs unless you do the right thing and halt OSW construction. 
Matthew Ahearn3/25/2024 2:40:59 PMMy name is Matt Ahearn and I am writing to voice my support of the New Construction Program, particularly the incentives for Passive House certification and Passive House training reimbursements. I am a certified Phius Verfier, seeing the quality of construction vs a business-as-usual project, it is night and day. We need to make Passive House construction the standard. Once contractors get used to the requirements, no one will looking back. Research has shown that similar pathways and incentive programs in New York, Massachusetts, and Colorado are already resulting in safer, more energy-efficient, and resilient buildings. The New Construction Program will make these buildings more accessible across the state of New Jersey. 
Briana Morales3/20/2024 6:22:43 PM My name is Briana Morales and I am writing to voice my support of the New Construction Program, particularly the incentives for Passive House certification and Passive House training reimbursements. I am currently enrolled in the certification training and have learned how imperative it is to apply these methods to our building environments. Research has shown that similar pathways and incentive programs in New York, Massachusetts, and Colorado are already resulting in safer, more energy-efficient, and resilient buildings. The New Construction Program will make these buildings more accessible across the state of New Jersey. 
Justin Taylor3/19/2024 11:58:52 PMDear Members of the New Jersey Board of Utilities, My name is Justin Taylor and I am writing to voice my utmost support of the New Construction Program, particularly the incentives for Passive House certification and Passive House training reimbursements. I have worked in high efficiency/Passive House buildings as an architectural project manager and energy modeler for the past 9 years, and it is wonderful to see programs such as this one becoming more and more common. I currently live in Jersey City where I see daily new buildings going up that will last a long time, but could be so much better and at very little additional cost, if any. Most of my Passive House experience has come in designing multifamily affordable housing projects, where budgets are often tight. When you consider the operational cost savings that come from high efficiency buildings and the much enhanced quality of life that residents will get by not having to worry about pests and allergens, the reasoning behind opting to build a Passive House becomes an easy lift. Often the biggest impediments to having a developer or individual opt to build a Passive House is familiarity with the system and a lack of qualified and available builders. With the subsidy and the training funding that is being provided in the New Construction Program, these problems will be greatly minimized. The pathway you have chosen in providing funding for both projects and the workforce that will design and build these buildings has the potential to expand the use of better building practices and will ultimately enhance the quality of life of New Jersey residents. The Garden State Challenge Pilot is another great element of this program that also tries to deal with the impediments listed above. Splitting out the award by phase of project has the potential to spur innovation in the marketplace by providing funding early in the schematic design phase, where it can be used toward the exploration of better building methodologies. The only modification I would request is to expand the student classification to include young professionals under 30 that have graduated from a New Jersey higher education institution. The reason for this is that architecture school is often arduous and students wouldn't have the time to fully participate in a professional project until the summer, limiting their ability to participate in all phases of on-going projects. If the student category could be expanded, it could prove very beneficial for young professionals to participate in all parts of an architectural project early in their careers and would be another incentive for them to learn about Passive House building strategies. Finally, research has shown that similar pathways and incentive programs in New York, Massachusetts, and Colorado are already resulting in safer, more energy-efficient, and resilient buildings. The New Construction Program will make these buildings more accessible across the state of New Jersey, and I can't wait to see this happen. 
ILJOONG KIM, AIA, LEED-AP3/19/2024 8:09:22 PMMy name is ILJOONG (IJ) KIM and I am writing to voice my support of the New Construction Program, particularly the incentives for Passive House certification and Passive House-training reimbursements, which will help for more sustainable communities and better cleaner environment in the long run. Glad to see pathways and incentive programs, which are already in place in New York, Massachusetts, and Colorado, which foster safer, more energy-efficient, and resilient buildings. The New Construction Program will make these buildings more accessible across the state of New Jersey.  
Christine Liaukus3/19/2024 3:26:01 PM I am writing to voice my support of the New Construction Program, particularly the incentives for Passive House certification and Passive House training reimbursements. I've worked on Passive House MF projects in Brooklyn that were subsidized by NYSERDA - that money and the encouragement of NYSERDA for Passive House made difference in getting projects built. The BPU would be well served to encourage the gut rehab and new construction of PH buildings in NJ.  
Danielle Serronico3/19/2024 10:57:26 AMMy name is Danielle Serronico and I am writing to voice my support of the New Construction Program, particularly the incentives for Passive House certification and Passive House training reimbursements. As a long time resident of NJ, I would welcome the opportunity to capitalize on incentives for both Passive House certification as well as Passive House training. I truly believe in these initiatives and would like the State of NJ to step up to allow our residents to benefit, afford, and have access to this new standard as it will benefit both the environment, climate, and all of us living here now, as well as future generations. The time is now to act on this and allow residents such as myself to take action and improve our State housing situation now and for the decades to come. Research has shown that similar pathways and incentive programs in New York, Massachusetts, and Colorado are already resulting in safer, more energy-efficient, and resilient buildings. The New Construction Program will make these buildings more accessible across the state of New Jersey. 
Michael Bianchi & Joan Maccari3/19/2024 10:24:09 AMWe moved into our PHIus certified Passive House in July 2019 and lived there ever since. It has a HERS score of 11. Until we started charging our electric car in January 2023 the house was _almost_ Net Zero (by actual measurement). Promoting energy efficient construction of buildings _lowers_ energy use and instantly starts combating climate change. We strongly support building codes that encourage energy efficient buildings.  
Hilary Padget3/15/2024 5:06:37 PMMy name is Hilary Padget and I am writing to voice my support of the New Construction Program, particularly the incentives for Passive House certification and Passive House training reimbursements. I am a practicing architect working in both New York and New Jersey. I am a Certified Passive House Designer, am a board member of New Jersey Passive House, teach a Passive House course at NJIT, and work on many types of residential Passive House projects as a pathway to less reliance on fossil fuels and achieving a sustainable future in the built environment. Passive House is a key component to achieving net zero initiatives and sustainably electrifying our building stock for both retrofit projects and new builds. This is the future of building and it has been demonstrated to be an effective way to significantly reduce energy use in buildings without compromizing health and comfort of occupants. I believe this voluntary standard is the gold standard for building and supporting its implementation will help practitioners, users, stakeholders, and contractors implement this standard at a larger scale. Research has shown that similar pathways and incentive programs in New York, Massachusetts, and Colorado are already resulting in safer, more energy-efficient, and resilient buildings. The New Construction Program will make these buildings more accessible across the state of New Jersey. 
Anthony Harrington3/14/2024 11:33:44 AMMy name is Anthony Harrington and I am writing to voice my support of the New Construction Program, particularly the incentives for Passive House certification and Passive House training reimbursements. My wife, daughter, and I moved to Jersey City some eight years ago - converting an old industrial building into our home using energy efficiency measures. Since doing that, we have helped others in our community and around the state make their homes more energy efficient - some evening getting to the PHI Passive House standard. My wife and I are both architects, certified passive house designers, and teach a course at NJIT in Newark, introducing architecture students to the standard in an effort to make them more aware of green building through their professional careers. Research has shown that similar pathways and incentive programs in New York, Massachusetts, and Colorado are already resulting in safer, more energy-efficient, and resilient buildings. The New Construction Program will make these buildings more accessible across the state of New Jersey. Thank you for adding my voice to the chorus of support from the green building community. 
Ben Adams3/13/2024 11:52:33 AMRegarding the Request for Comments on revisions to the NJCEP New Construction Program contained within the TRC Revised FY24 Compliance Filing, and on behalf of EAM Associates, Rivireo and MaGrann, together supporting the majority of participation, verification and certification under this program, we respectfully request an extension of the due date for comments. The modifications to the New Construction Program are among the most extensive of any program in the filing updates. We are in the process of analyzing the impacts of the combined technical and incentive modifications and feel strongly that this due diligence is in the best interests of the program and essential to avoiding unintended consequences, especially for affordable housing projects and the residential sector in general. Please advise at your earliest convenience if a 2-week extension, or any extension, can be granted. Thank you for your consideration. 
Joseph Graham3/13/2024 11:02:10 AMMy name is Joe Graham and I am writing to voice my support of the New Construction Program, particularly the incentives for Passive House certification and Passive House training reimbursements. Passive House certification is the most straightforward path to achieve the intertwined goals of occupant health, building and resource efficiency, fuel poverty, building resiliency in the long term and resiliency in the short term in the form safe housing in the face of climate change and the ever more frequent and powerful weather events that are in our present and future. Environmental justice, public health, electrical grid stability, and countless other benefits are made possible through the Passive House standard. Research has shown that similar pathways and incentive programs in New York, Massachusetts, and Colorado are already resulting in safer, more energy-efficient, and resilient buildings. The New Construction Program will make these buildings more accessible across the state of New Jersey. 
Gahl Sorkin Spanier7/31/2022 3:31:23 PMMy name is Gahl Sorkin Spanier and I’m an active member of the Passive House Network’s New Jersey chapter and an NJ resident, writing to applaud and support your staff proposal to add Passive House incentive tiers geared toward reducing the overall energy use of buildings in New Jersey. This will allow New Jersey to keep up with an expanding number of other states now actively promoting and incentivizing Passive House construction as a reliable, resilient, and cost-effective pathway to deliver climate mitigation goals. A few more things to consider • There are few other systems that can deliver the same energy efficiency results with existing technology. • At the moment we don't have the workforce necessary to build and retrofit all the buildings needed to achieve the sector targets by the end of the decade. We can only teach something we have at least some past experience with . Thank you for including Passive House standards in your New Construction Incentive Program. Sincerely, Gahl Spanier  
Jay Murdoch7/29/2022 4:58:08 PMOwens Corning support for the Clean Energy Program and suggested enhancements. See attached.NJ BPU - New Construction Program - Owens Corning Comments July 2022
Kyle Holder7/29/2022 4:57:27 PMThe New Jersey Builders Association (NJBA) is the leading trade association for the construction industry. Members include residential and commercial builders, developers, remodelers, subcontractors, suppliers, engineers, architects, consultants and other professionals. NJBA and its members strive for a more vibrant, greener, and affordable housing market in New Jersey. As such, NJBA strongly supports the incentives in the Residential New Construction (RNC) program and encourages BPU that if any changes are made that they only expand opportunities for builders to incorporate energy efficiency and not limit them. NJBA stands by its previous positions advocating for continuity in current programs, ease in access to such programs, flexibility in choosing programs, and predictability. A significant amount of planning goes into every development project, and BPU should recognize that existing incentives contribute to the safe production and execution of many projects around the State. Changes to existing programs should maintain a level of continuity and to decrease any potential disruption. As BPU moves to finalize their plans, NJBA looks forward to working with the Board and its staff to ensure that builders have an abundance of options so they can decide what program most appropriately fits each project’s needs. 
Frank Swol7/29/2022 4:55:24 PMEAM Associates Comments on Proposed FY23 Revision to NJCEP New Construction ProgramsEAM Associates Comments on Proposed FY23 Revisions to NJCEP New Construction Programs
Devon Basher7/29/2022 4:44:51 PMHello NJ BPU, Incentivizing Passive House will encourage development in long-term growth industries of critical importance with strong benefits of being served locally. Supporting Passive House here will encourage further development of training, design, manufacturing, and advanced building collaboration and construction. I’m NJ resident and supporter of Passive House and writing to applaud and support your staff proposal to add Passive House incentive tiers geared toward reducing the overall energy use of buildings in New Jersey. This will allow New Jersey to keep up with an expanding number of other states now actively promoting and incentivizing Passive House construction as a reliable, resilient, and cost-effective pathway to delivering climate mitigation goals.  
Ken Dolsky7/29/2022 2:59:23 PMsee attached documentNJBPU-NewConstruction Progam comments KD 7-29-2022docx
Deborah M. Franco7/29/2022 2:39:37 PMSJG/ETG Comments on New Jersey's Clean Energy Program: New Construction ProgramSJG_ETG_NJCEPFY23NewConstruction Comments (07 29 22)
Karen Forbes7/29/2022 2:18:49 PMNJDRC Comments - NJCEP Proposed Revisions in the New Construction Program - BPU Dkt. No. QO22050327NJDRC Comments NJCEP Proposed Revisions New Construction Program - BPU Dkt. No. QO22050327
Isabel Molina7/29/2022 2:13:17 PMPlease see the attached uploaded comments.NGO Commenters- New Construction Program
Kirk Frost7/29/2022 1:25:14 PMPlease see my comment attached. I urge NJBPU NJCEP to immediately remove natural gas as a clean energy program and to phase out new construction connections to natural gas by 2024. Natural gas is 95% methane and the supply chain for New Jersey natural gas is highly toxic and substantial contributor to climate change.2022-07-29-NJBPU QO22050327 Construction comment
Ben Adams7/29/2022 11:38:11 AMMaGrann comments on NJCEP RNC proposed program design updateMaGrann Comments FY23 RNC Revisions
Jennifer Nielsen7/28/2022 11:17:32 PMI am a co-chair of the Climate Committee of SOMA (South Orange-Maplewood NJ) Action, a civil society organization pushing for progressive political, economic and social action by our elected leaders locally and nationally. SOMA Action is a member of the Empower NJ coalition, and I also serve on the NJ 50 x 30 Building Electrification Team. Commercial and residential buildings are the second largest contributors to New Jersey’s greenhouse gas emissions, and aggressive action is needed to reduce these emissions. The 50 x 30 team recommends actions by the Murphy Administration that maximize decarbonization in the building sector by moving to electric power sources for all new and existing residential and commercial buildings as soon as possible. Our highest priority is to see electric heat pumps for space and water heating in all buildings, and to see specific numerical targets for these units by 2025 and 2030 in order to reach the 90 percent electrification goal by 2050. We suggest that NJPBU set a goal of 100% cold climate electric heat pumps for all new construction with HVAC equipment by 2025. My husband and I recently invested about $20,000 to convert our own gas-powered heating and cooling system to electric. We recognize that very few homeowners in New Jersey have the resources and motivation to do this, and also that it is imperative that we all do so if we want to avoid the most drastic impacts of a warming atmosphere. To accelerate this transition, NJBPU should offer incentives proportional to the amount of carbon emissions saved. Cold climate heat pumps and ground source heat pumps for space and water heating achieve the highest reductions, being three times more efficient than gas-powered systems. Electric vehicle charging stations and on-site clean energy generation also merit high incentives. No incentives should be offered for any heating or cool systems or appliances run on fossil fuels. NJBPU must also give priority to providing generous support to environmental justice and low-income communities to transition to renewable energy sources, including highly efficient cold climate heat pumps, which will have the additional benefit of lowering their monthly expenses. Indeed, these communities should be at the front of the line for the transition so that they are not subject to rate increases as fossil fuel energy sources become ever more expensive. As the State’s Environmental Justice Law recognizes, these communities have suffered the most damage from polluting energy sources. The NJ 50 x 30 Building Electrification Team also believes all new construction should not just be Zero Energy Ready, but should be Zero Energy, including all-electric cold climate heat pumps, optimal energy efficiency measures, and electrical systems capable of handling all future electrical needs. Zero Energy Buildings should also be required to include on-site energy generation (such as rooftop solar with battery) or, if this is not feasible, to have exclusively clean energy sources such as community solar, long-term contracts for renewable energy certificates (RECs), Power Purchase Agreements for renewable energy, or the renewable content of electricity delivered by the local utility. The NJ 50 x 30 Building Electrification Team believes these same measures should apply to existing building rehabs and retrofits, with similar incentive structures. The faster we Rewire New Jersey and Electrify Everything in our buildings, to paraphrase Saul Griffith, the sooner we will live in a healthier, more energy-efficient and sustainable state.2022-7-28-DOCKET-NO-QO22050327-NJ Clean Energy Program_Jennifer Nielsen
Bronwyn Barry7/28/2022 6:20:43 PMPlease see our attached letter of encouragement for the inclusion of Passive House incentives in your New Construction program. NJ Letter of encouragement- FINAL
Patrick Candalla7/28/2022 9:39:01 AMMy name is Patrick Candalla and I’m an architect, NJ resident and supporter of Passive House. I support your proposal to add Passive House incentives geared toward reducing the overall energy usage of buildings in NJ. It is high time we build efficiently and smartly. Passive House is a system that makes sense and the state should recognize that. Thanks for your efforts.  
Muyiwa Onigbogi7/27/2022 11:18:56 PMMy name is Muyiwa Onigbogi and I’m an architect, as well as an active member of the Passive House Network’s New Jersey chapter / NJ resident and supporter of Passive House, writing to applaud and support your staff proposal to add Passive House incentive tiers geared toward reducing the overall energy use of buildings in New Jersey. This will allow New Jersey to keep up with an expanding number of other states now actively promoting and incentivizing Passive House construction as a reliable, resilient, and cost-effective pathway to deliver climate mitigation goals. Considering the unprecedented changes our community have been experiencing from weather-related events in the last few years, real, concrete, measurable steps to mitigate the factors causing these changes to our environment are simply the responsible thing to do. The effect of your initiative in this regard would definitely be far reaching. Our grandchildren would be gratified for the responsible, and positive intervention for the environment we carry out today. Thank you for including Passive House standards in your New Construction Incentive Program. Sincerely, Muyiwa Onigbogi, RA  
John Kolesnik7/27/2022 5:15:42 PMEEA-NJ Comments on New Jersey's Clean Energy Program: New Construction Program EEA- NJ Comments on BPU's New Construction Program
Anthony Harrington7/27/2022 3:59:50 PMMy name is Anthony Harrington and I’m an active member of the Passive House Network’s New Jersey chapter. I’m writing to applaud and support your staff proposal to add Passive House incentive tiers geared towards reducing overall energy use of buildings in New Jersey. This will allow New Jersey to keep up with an expanding number of other states now actively promoting and incentivizing Passive House construction as a reliable, resilient and cost-effective pathway to deliver climate mitigation goals. We are currently working on several retrofit projects in New Jersey pursuing the Passive House standard, and believe it to be the best tool we have as architects to bring significant energy savings, greater indoor air quality, thermal comfort, resiliancy, and pest control to our clients. Thank you for including Passive House standards in your New Construction Incentive Program. Sincerely, Anthony Harrington RA CPHD LEED AP Vice President - pH design 
Douglas Presley7/27/2022 11:21:12 AMPlease see attached comments from Dandelion Energy on the NJCEP New Construction program update.2022-07-27 - Dandelion Comments on NJCEP New Construction Update
Mark Knopsnyder7/26/2022 3:21:40 PMMy name is Mark Knopsnyder and I’m an active member of the Passive House Network’s New Jersey chapter, writing to applaud and support your staff proposal to add Passive House incentive tiers geared toward reducing the overall energy use of buildings in New Jersey. This will allow New Jersey to keep up with an expanding number of other states now actively promoting and incentivizing Passive House construction as a reliable, resilient, and cost-effective pathway to deliver climate mitigation goals. Not only is it important to reduce our energy usage as a whole, Passive House buildings greatly reduce the cost of living for its tenants. New Jersey has one of the highest cost of livings in the country, and incentivizing developers to deploy the Passive House concept is a huge step forward to keeping New Jersey residents happy to remain New Jersey residents. 
Michael Winka7/26/2022 2:55:13 PMSee comments attachedComments on NJBPU new New Construction Program 7-29-22

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